Write (subset) imagesΒΆ

To write down an image to a new file (e.g. after filtering certain parameters or to create spatial subset files) you can use the functions SMOSImg.write. This will create a new netcdf file with the content of the current image at a selected location.

from smos.smos_ic.interface import SMOSImg
from smos.grid import EASE25CellGrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import os
# make sure to clone testdata submodule from https://github.com/TUW-GEO/smos
from smos import testdata_path

fname = os.path.join(testdata_path, 'L3_SMOS_IC', 'ASC', '2018',

# bbox_order : (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
subgrid_eu = EASE25CellGrid(bbox=(-11., 34., 43., 71.))

img = SMOSImg(fname, parameters=['Soil_Moisture', 'Quality_Flag', 'Days', 'UTC_Seconds'],
              read_flags=(0,), grid=subgrid_eu)



Finally, you can also write down multiple files using the write function from SMOSDs. You can either create single files per time stamp (like the original data is) or netcdf stacks. This example will do both (note that days when no data is loaded are also skipped when writing the subset).

from smos.smos_ic.interface import SMOSDs
from smos.grid import EASE25CellGrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import os
# make sure to clone testdata submodule from https://github.com/TUW-GEO/smos
from smos import testdata_path

path = os.path.join(testdata_path, 'L3_SMOS_IC', 'ASC')

# bbox_order : (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
subgrid_eu = EASE25CellGrid(bbox=(-11., 34., 43., 71.))

ds = SMOSDs(path, parameters=['Soil_Moisture', 'Quality_Flag', 'Days', 'UTC_Seconds'],
             read_flags=(0,), grid=subgrid_eu)

# write data as single files
ds.write_multiple(r'C:\Temp\write\test', start_date=datetime(2018,1,1), end_date=datetime(2018,1,3),

# write data as a stack
ds.write_multiple(r'C:\Temp\write\test', stackfile='stack.nc', start_date=datetime(2018,1,1),